NFDs owned by Address
Last updated
Last updated
Use the /nfd/v2/search?owner=address endpoint to fetch all NFDs a particular address owns.
For fetching large numbers of results, set limit=200 (maximum limit) and page through the results using the offset parameter.
Search NFDs via various filters
name or partial match of NFD name to filter on
The parent NFD Application ID to find. Used for fetching segments of an NFD
Length of NFD
Traits of NFD
An Algorand Account address
An Algorand Account address
Should NFDs reserved for an account (transfers for example or unclaimed winning auctions) be excluded
The start of an NFD name, fetching multiple NFDs that have that prefix
Part of an NFD name, fetching multiple NFDs that have that substring (minimum 3 characters)
Verified property name to search on - specify value with vvalue
, telegram
, twitter
, github
, email
, domain
, nostrpubkey
Value to find in the vproperty field specified with the vproperty parameter
Whether to explicitly filter on segments being locked or unlocked. Typically only valuable when filtering on unlocked
Whether to explicitly filter on NFD roots or segments. True to only see roots, False to only see segments.
Minimum price of NFD
Maximum price of NFD
Minimum price of NFD Segment in USD (cents)
Maximum price of NFD Segment in USD (cents)
Fetch NFDs that changed after the specified timestamp
Return only NFDs with an expiration time at or before the specified timestamp
Limit the number of results returned - max 200
Starting document in large list. Fetch 1-100 [limit 100], pass offset 100 to fetch 100-200
What to sort on
, timeChangedDesc
, soldDesc
, priceAsc
, priceDesc
, highestSaleDesc
, saleTypeAsc
, nameAsc
, expiresAsc
, expiresDesc
View of data to return, tiny (name, owner, caAlgo, unverifiedCaAlgo only), brief (default), or full
, thumbnail
, brief
, full